
the trauma healing mastermind for Asian-identifying womxn.
a safe space where we are collectively exploring the Asian womxn's contemporary experience, and healing our systemic, generational, and childhood trauma mind-body-soul.
we are:
rediscovering the oft-forgotten but vital narratives around identity & culture;
remembering the ones that have built us;
releasing the ones that no longer serve us;
recoding our bodies to feel safe as we are;
& rewriting what it means to be an Asian womxn here today.

how would it feel
to come home?

it would feel like...
a sense of wholeness and completeness in your skin
newfound appreciation for who you are and where you come from;
a sense of internal peace;
safety in your body;
the capacity to take up as much space as you desire;
expressing yourself from a place of personal power;
a deep knowing that you are enough, just as you are;
respect for the challenges you've been through;
holding your own strong, healthy boundaries;
having authentic and honest relationships;
forgiveness and acceptance;
unwavering self-confidence;
full trust in what you have to offer the world.

I believe there are certain experiences that Asian womxn share.
collective narratives we hold in our consciousness, that come with living in this contemporary world.
some of these narratives have built us, and have made us strong, resilient, and powerful.
but, there are some that have wounded us, made us feel small, and that limited what we've believed has been possible for ourselves.
most of these narratives have lived invisible in our larger society.
and as a result, our story as Asian womxn have become forgotten, neglected, and misunderstood.
it is time for us to bring these experiences to light.
for ourselves.
for our healing.
for our future.
this is y(our) homecoming.

An intimate, LIVE 12-week program centred around the Asian womxn's experience.
11 live group calls (a combination of group discussion, lecture, and active healing modalities, e.g. somatic healing, breathwork, conscious movement)
12 modules in an online portal with pre-recorded trainings, exercises, and meditations
A private Telegram group for everyday coaching and support
There are no more than 6 womxn in the program at one time.
This allows the circle to get to know each other deeply and vulnerably and that I can give the highest standard of care to the group.
this beta round starts August 2023.
what we'll cover:
Vision, Resourcing & Intentions
We'll get to know each other, settle into a sense of safety, and create the tone and space for the group.
Archetypes, Myths, & Preconceptions
We are debunking some of the existing tropes and narratives and healing the way we relate to them.
Bamboo Ceilings
We are exploring the topics of intersectionality, invisibility, and how we empower ourselves to break open those frustrating ceilings.
Racial Trauma
We are discussing a big topic, with a focus on systems of fear, discrimination and (micro)aggression that we may have experienced before - and shifting fear into self-acceptance.
Childhood Trauma
We are reflecting on our own belief systems, dynamics with our parents and/or caregivers, and our relationship with our inner child.
Integration Week
No live call; with trainings to do in your own time.
Common Effects of Trauma
We are exploring the particular topics of attachment styles, people-pleasing, dissociation, and anxiety.
Claiming Personal Power & Expression
We learn to tap into our personal power and expand power into verbal and creative expression.
Generational Trauma
We're looking at the effects of displacement, discrimination, and immigration on our belief systems, and overcome any scarcity programming.
Identity & the Soul
We learn how to differentiate between systems, lived experience, and soul desires, and to harmonize all of our parts.
Womanhood Trauma
We tap into the feelings of flow, sensuality, and freedom, explore what it means to be a woman, and heal any blocks around the feminine experience.
Reclaiming y(our) Narrative
We celebrate the end of the mastermind with reflection and embodiment work that will set you up for future expansion.

this is a mastermind experience that incorporates psychology, social politics, somatic healing, art therapy, energetics, & mindset coaching.

you will learn:
how to deeply connect with yourself and your needs
how to resource and stay in your own personal power
how to find internal safety
how to express yourself confidently and boldly
how to take up space in places that make you feel small
how to prioritize in a way that serves you
how to draw healthy boundaries
how to regulate your emotions & nervous system
how to rewire your trigger responses
how to release trauma somatically (via the body)
how to live in more flow, pleasure, and creativity
how to feel into your soul
how to attune to your highest dreams and desires
you will become the powerful woman you've always known you could be.
you are going to feel so safe within your skin,
that you can soar beyond 'limits'.
are you ready?
is for you if:
you are an Asian-identifying womxn who is desiring deep transformational healing
you are craving support from and friendship with powerful soul sisters who understand and see you
you are drawn to exploring different healing modalities
you have been feeling stuck at ceilings
you are tired of being held to certain stereotypes, narratives, fear systems, and taboos
you want to develop lasting self-acceptance
you'd like to show up authentically, confidently, and expressively in your life
you want to feel comfortable in your femininity and sensuality
you want to understand and heal systemic and generational trauma
you want to heal certain emotional patterns, trauma loops, and attachment cycles you have
you desire to have a healthier and more honest relationship with your family, culture, and self
you want to live out the life you desire and dream of

"I teared up when I realized that I was comfortable in my own power; that as a grown adult I could do and be what my younger self needed. I have the capacity to greatly influence myself and be the change I sought for generations ... Thank you so much, Jade."
- Sabrina

HOMECOMING is a product of my own lived experience as an Asian woman who's moved around a fair bit.
Growing up I'd always felt neither here nor there.
I am a Chinese woman who grew up in Hong Kong, in a family that was financially stable, with parents who were generally supportive. There was always food on the table, and I went abroad for college without loans. I was a lucky kid.
But, I still had my struggles. I was socially anxious, and I grew up feeling pretty uncomfortable in my own skin. I had a debilitating fear of public speaking, I always felt I fell short compared to others. I deeply struggled with feeling like I belonged in this place I called 'home'
When I moved abroad, many of these anxieties became heightened. I became more and more aware of my differences, and experienced some not-nice moments because of how I looked. Not understanding what I do now - I shelved my feelings all away, masking the pain by numbing out with various addictive behaviours.
It's taken me years since then - years of healing, discovery, and learning - to unravel the many layers of invisible wounding, trauma, and injustice that had shaped the way I saw myself. the way I limited myself, made myself small, and 'pretended' my way through life.
I had to realize that the sense of belonging I've always sought - could only ever start from within myself, in my skin.
I realized that there are so many ways marginalized people - whether you are a POC, an immigrant, or of a minority group - are molded because of systemic, (inter)generational, and childhood trauma.
HOMECOMING is a program that empowers you to embody radical responsibility and self-acceptance.
You've heard my story. Since doing this work, I've harnessed my fear into power. I get to choose the life I live, and I rewrite the way I see myself - and therefore, the way others get to see me. I live my vision from massive personal power. I am no longer afraid of public speaking. I show up courageously for what I deserve.
The work we do is about seeing every part that makes you, you - within color, gender, family, tradition, and experience. And within seeing yourself, you move beyond it for yourself. You release the systems and beliefs that you recognize no longer have to be yours.
From there, you come home to your power.
And you celebrate the life story you get to write for yourself.
You are here, in your body, in this life for a reason. Let's own it.

there are very few safe spaces for Asian womxn out there.
even fewer that are intimate and truly held in sisterhood;
that cater to healing and rewriting;
integrating spiritual and creative components.
it's y(our) time.
it's time to come home.

"I would highly recommend Jade's service for self-expression, self-exploration, addressing issues, navigating transitions and even for going beyond one's boundaries by making something new every week. Her ability to help me discover unknown parts of myself has been like someone giving me a gift."
- Sam*

spots are limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis.
if the current round is full, you will be put on the waitlist for the next round.
please note:
Respectfully, this is a program catered to the Asian-identifying womxn's experience. If you identify as ethnically, nationally, and/or culturally Asian, or you have grown up adjacent to Asian-culture - HOMECOMING is for you.
There is currently no application process for this beta group so please enroll with this in mind.
Please note that while I am a therapist by professional qualification, this container is NOT to be considered as clinical group therapy. I do not provide medical diagnoses in this service and no component is meant to be a replacement for medical treatment.